Friday, August 8, 2008

Today....we had a miracle!

Seriously! I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father today, because today, he loved me enough to keep me alive....and even more than that....basically unharmed. As you can see from the wonderful pictures. My beautiful yellow car is no more. It was crashed today! I was driving on the 202 to work this morning and the passenger rear tire lost its tread (which basically makes it like driving on ice). well since it was the freeway, it wasnt like i was only going 5 miles an hour. i actually did pretty good keeping it in control for a second or two and then i lost complete control of the car, it crossed 2 lanes of traffic to hit almost head on the freeway median. It then bounced off the median did a complete 360 roll back to its tires and stopped. Thankfully, no other cars were involved and an amazingly nice truck driver (which i do not have his name, but am forever thankful for) pulled his giant truck diagonal to stop traffic from hitting me and then rushed to help me along with about 5 other guys. They were helping before i was finished processing what happened. Well amazingly enough, after a visit to the hospital with a very caring LDS doctor in the E.R. the damages (besides the death of my car) was bruising from the seatbelt, cuts from the glass of my broken window and most likely a very sore steffi tomorrow. The cop asked if he could enter me in the demolition derby and my brother joked that i was "unbreakable". I dont know about that, but the guardian angel that kept me safe is probably pretty beat up or something!

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for his guiding hand in my life. Today could have been and probably should have been a very bad day, and it definitely wasnt fun, but I will take it over the alternative....and now....i guess i get a new car.... unfortunately because of timing, it probably wont be the car i wish i was getting, but my plans never quite go according to plan. So make sure

you remember Heavenly Father and his hand in your life as well, and Buckle Up! Cause it probably saved my life!


Pam Price said...

WOW! I'm so glad you're ok! That looks and sounds scary! We are all definitely very blessed to have you around longer ;) Glad you are doing good!

Shelly said...

Oh my gosh! I can attest as well, that with seatbelts and Heavenly Father--anything is possible! I am so glad you are okay!!

CASSIE said...


Jason and Kristy said...

I'm so glad you're okay!! I can't believe that the car fipped over and you're totally fine! You were definately watched over. At least you get a new car out it! Glad you're still alive!

Courtney said...

Holy cow, your car is crazy. you are one lucky girl! I'm glad everything is ok. Hope you're not too sore. Get better soon! :)

Becca said...

Wow Girl so glad you are ok. Your car looks so bad. good thing you are a shorty like me. lol get better soon! cant wait to see you guys again. love ya!

McKell and John said...

That sure was a miracle! I'm so glad you're okay and hope you are feeling okay today. That whip lash is horrible!

Becca said...

I'm glad you're okay!

Bekah: said...

oh my goodness! you and eldon have sure been through A LOT lately! i am so sorry. i am glad you are ok and not too harmed. i hope you are feeling better and able to rest and recover!

Stacia said...

I'm sorry you got so banged up! We are so thankful that are okay though. Continue to keep your head up. Heavenly Father is giving you these trials for a reason!

Gardners said...

Jenny told me about your accident - I am so glad that you were protected! That is scary; looks like you still have work to do here on earth!

Candace said...

Holy smokes, I'm glad everything is alright!! What a blessing indeed!

Mandy & Logan said...

It's crazy how I found you guys on here! Hope all is well, I'm glad you're ok!