Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Best 2 Years

Ha....not a mission, but being married to Eldon! Tuesday was our 2 year anniversary! I cant believe its already been 2 years. it has absolutely flown by! We definitely had our ups and downs but being married has been the easiest, happiest and by far the best time of my life. Eldon is an amazing husband and is incredibly sweet, caring, thoughtful, helpful and loving. Im not sure how I got to be so lucky, but I am definitely glad I did. I just wanted to let Eldon know how much completely in love I am with him. And am forever grateful that he found me, changed my life and made me happy and complete. I love you Baby! Happy Anniversary! Here is to two amazing years and so many many more to come! XOXOXO

1 comment:

John Michael and Nauni said...

Steffi!! Happy Anniversary Late! I was thinking about you two all day on the 12th, but didn't call you and I feel bad! We sure love you and love Eldon too! Can't believe two years has flown by already! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! XOXO -Naun