Sunday, January 13, 2008

Car Shows and Makeovers

So what do these two things have in common??? One is what the boys like to do and the other is what the girls like to do. There was this big car show in Glendale on Saturday and Eldon went with his good friend Dusty and his son Brayton. The car show pictures actually came out really good (especially considering that it was two boys taking the pics) and made the show look really cool. I am sure Eldons favorite part was seeing Bumblebee from the movie "Transformers". they had the actual car that was used in the movie! And if you know Eldon, then you know that he loves that movie! While the boys were out and about Brittney (Dusty's wife) and I had fun playing with their little daughter Raylee, watching the movie "Hairspray" which I had been wanting to see but never did and getting a make over. Brittney is a hair stylist and also loves makeup, so we just played. It wasnt anything special, just some fun curls and new make up, but we had a blast. and who doesnt like to relax and get pampered anyways.....I sure do! It was a happy Saturday for sure. Thanks guys!

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