Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013!

Happy Easter to everyone!  We are so grateful for the birth and sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ who atoned for our sins so that we might have a chance to repent and live again some day with our Father in Heaven as an Eternal Family.  Our Family is by far the most important thing to us.  We couldnt be more grateful for our angels in heaven and our little sweeties in our home!  Holidays have so much more joy now that we have children (even if they dont know the difference from one day to the next).  It is fun to see their faces light up as the experience and explore new things.  Easter is one of those special times.  While we recognize the true meaning of Easter and its importance in our lives, (And enjoyed the Easter Sunday wrestle getting and keeping two little rug rats dressed all spiffy and staying quiet for 3 hours of church), I couldnt resist getting the boys Easter baskets and bringing some of the holiday fun to our home.  Last year, Xander was barely over a month old and while we did still do something for him for Easter, this year was a bit more fun!

This year, the Easter bunny had a bit of help from Xander's birth grandparents.  We are so very grateful for their involvement in our lives and their generosity to not just Xander but also to Zane.  It means a great deal!  

Xander wasnt quite sure what to make of the mess of Easter, but soon he started exploring and found the eggs. 

 And then he started dumping the Easter basket (something he is pro at with his toy boxes). 
Zane was patient ;P and let us show him all the Easter bunny brought.  

He got some new noisemakers and teethers since he is teething like crazy right now! 

This pic is so cute.  We handed him this dunk and he just held on and then posed.  Love this kid! 
Xander loved his soft fluffy bunny too... especially when it started to tickle him (with daddy's help of course) 
Xander also got a new bath toy, a ducky that floats and sings (this kid should be in heaven in the tub).  And yet again, the dog photo bombed!  lol... Zeus is amazing at that.  You think he needs more attention? or just more camera time? 
 Xander also got some new Easter movies from his birth Grandparents.  He loves snoopy so the Easter beagle Charlie Brown movie is sure to be a hit!

 And now Zane found his eggs too.  P.S. dont tell the kids, but there are baby friendly Easter treats inside.  oh, yes!  The Easter bunny is that good!
And once Xander had cleaned out his basket of goodies and toys.  He found the grass.  It was pretty entertaining to see his reactions.  He is very texture sensitive and at first he really wasnt quite sure what to make of it.  Within a few minutes, he was exploring and dumping it everywhere.  I am certain we will be cleaning up grass for weeks to come! 

Happy Easter everyone!  We hope that your Easter is filled with as much joy and love as ours was!  XOXO

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