Friday, May 18, 2012

Peanut Update

So just a quickly update on the new little peanut.  I am now 12 weeks, which is nice to reach.  This is officially the furthest pregnancy for a singleton baby, which is quite happy!  We just had our ultrasound checking for specific body parts (i.e. 4 chambers to the heart, 2 parts of the brain, 2 legs, 2 arms, stomach, bladder...etc) and everything looks really good.  We thought for a moment that we might find out the gender, but from one angle the tech said it definitely looked like a girl and from another angle, definitely a boy, so we will continue to wait and see if we get to know in another month.  Because this pregnancy is so high risk, I get to have either a heartbeat check, or ultrasound every 2 weeks.  It's alot of appointments which is a pain, but it is so nice to not have to wait a long time and wonder in between if something may be going wrong.

In the meantime, I got some interesting news about me.... I have been feeling just absolutely exhausted lately!  I assumed it was a normal part of the joys of pregnancy added on top of the joys of being a mother to a newborn and just having recently returned back to work to boot.  Well, turns out, that there is a bigger explanation for it. Apparently, I have a disorder called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  The diagnosis comes because the mono virus (which I have had like 10 times in my life) currently has flared up along with some other virus I had never heard of, nor knew I had.  Together it means pretty much... I am exhausted!  I do feel very blessed though that I have a job where I can sit at a desk and relax rather than be up and about.  When I googled this disorder, I found that less than 1/5 of people with this disorder are able to work full time!!!  That is huge!  So many are only able to work part time or are on disability all together because this disorder is so debilitating!  After work, I am incredibly spent and it takes all remaining energy to rock Xander to sleep at night if I am lucky, But I am so very grateful that I can continue to work and provide financially for our family and I am even more grateful that I have such an amazing husband who has stepped in to fill all the gaps where I am lacking and who is taking such good care of Xander, both during the day while I am at work, and at night when I just so tired!  He truly is amazing and does it without even complaining! Despite the hardships right, I definitely can still see the Lord providing for us and I am so very grateful for those blessings!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I am so glad your 12-week ultrasound went well! How exciting for you guys!

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis...that must be exhausting! You are so awesome and inspiring and I love that you are seeing all the blessings in your life.