Sunday, April 20, 2008

Scrapbook Convention!

Yahoo for the CK Scrapbook Convention! (my friend says i have become really domesticated because i went to a scrapbook convention) but it is amazing. this is my 3rd year in a row going and i love it! you can sign up for really great classes that help you make super cute projects in a very short time, and that teach you new things and give away free prizes. It is wonderful! Just look.....

my first class was learning new techniques for layout and using different products. its kinda hard to see in the pic, but i made 4 super cute scrapbook layouts. I probably wouldnt have come up with this own...the paper colors and patterns totally didnt match at first, but once they are on the paper, and once i put the pictures in the right spots, i think it will be so cute!

my next class was creating this cute little stand alone piece. it is not together yet, but it will be a mini accordion book (just 3 pages). but it is so cute, and i definitely got some new ideas and learned some new techniques that i hadnt thought of before.

My last class I was most excited for....scrap carding. I have made scrapbook pages, and I have moved on to signs, but i hadn't ventured into cards yet. with my cricket cutting machine and some of the super cute fonts and pictures out there, I think it would be really fun to start doing my own cards! So this class we made 3 cards and had enough for a 4th one that i haven't started yet. it was so each and super cute!

The best part of all is the!!!! They have a vendor fair that makes the whole thing worth it. it is like 100 scrapbook stores in one and everything pretty much is on clearance! I tried to be good, so I only got things I really needed....he he. Well at least I tried! But there were somethings i definitely couldn't resist! I am so excited for the new projects.


Bekah: said...

ohhhh im so jealous, love the convention! i was sad all day knowing i was missing it! glad you had so much fun!

Becca said...

Scrapbook convention? - well aren't you Mrs. Crafty!