Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why Mormons build temples

The HBO series Big Love has stated that they are going to air a depiction of the ceremonies that take place in the Mormon temples. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and someone who has taken part in these sacred ordinances, I am beyond appalled and disgusted at the media udder lack of respect for religion and things that are sacred. It is very natural for people to be curious of something that they are not privilege to, however, it is not meant to be secret, it is meant to be sacred and special, and only for those who are worthy and ready to make and keep promises to our Heavenly Father. A main principle of the Church's teaching is to be loving and Christ-like, although I am sure everyone would love to just beat up the people to have created this disgusting mockery, the church has taken a difference stance and once again showed that would prefer to take the higher road and use this curiosity as an opportunity to teach and enlighten regarding the temple. This is a video that was recently created by the church regarding the purpose of our temples.

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