Monday, June 16, 2008

Fathers Day

Sorry this post is late, but again....we've been busy! I just wanted to say Happy Fathers Day to the guys in my life. First is my father. I love my Dad very much and I am grateful he is my Dad. I get a lot of my talents, features and even my temperament from him. For better or for worse, I take after my Dad alot. He has always tried to be a good Dad and be there for us kids. I dont ever remember a swim meet, a dance recital, or gymnastics show that he was not a part of. I dont know of many kids that can say that! He worked very hard to provide for our family and we never went without! Thanks for being a great Dad! I love you!

I also inherited another great Dad when I married Eldon. RH is a wonderful Father-in-law and has always made me feel like a part of the family rather than an in-law. He is very sweet and incredibly helpful, and best of all....he raised an amazing son to be my eternal companion, and for that I will be forever grateful!

And lastly, I wanted to say Happy Father's Day to the future Father of my children. We are not parents yet, but he is amazing with children and is loved by all his nieces and nephews and I cant wait for him to be Dad! He is going to be amazing. I absolutely fell in love with him for this quality amongst the many others. It was a scene similar to this picture that gave me my answer about him. He was holding our nephew Issac and Issac wouldnt stop crying. He would only go to Eldon and so Eldon had to hold him for like 2 hours! But they both loved every minute and I thought he looked so Hot holding a baby and wanted him to have mine! Some day! I love you baby! Thank you for being so amazing!

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