Sunday, April 20, 2008

We struck Out!!!

We were all jazzed about getting a new big bed (see post below) and then we got the bad news. We didnt get the house! We are so bummed! We really liked this one! We have really liked a bunch, but this one had been the best so far! The bank accepted another offer over ours. Its a real bummer but we are sure it just wasnt meant to much as i hate that! We have put in the work and been praying to find a house that we could afford that would meet our apparently this one wasnt it and third time wasnt the charm at least not for this. But so we went back out this weekend and actually found some more really great ones. we have to wait until tomorrow to speak with the Realtors and find out the scoop on the homes, but we found a home that is H-U-G-E for way cheaper, so we will see what happens. When it is supposed to work out it will, so we just have to patient....which is really hard for me! But at least in the mean time, our apartment complex offered us to go month to month. we have a little less than 2 weeks until we have to sign up for a least one more month. we will see what this next week brings I guess.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Ohh thats a bummer Stef....You are being so patient about all this?! Whats the trick I could use a little (ALOT actually)! Well like you said the right one just hasn't approuched you yet. Good luck with the one you found this weekend, hopefully that is the ONE!
Your scrapbooking projects are awesome... so glad your our "crafty" one in our family. You'll have to teach me some of your skills! Well Eldons hand looks a LITTLE better, the swelling is atleast gone done. Well good luck with the "house hunt" Luck will blow your way soon!