Look at this face....does it look
mischievous to you?

Well, He is! This is my nephew Garett. He gave me quite a surprise Christmas Eve Morning!
This is the shower at Eldon's moms house

The purple is from the hallway (outside of the shower) and the pink is actually looking at the shower. And yes, there is a window in the shower. This window has made me anxious since my first trip to Snowflake. I thought Eldon was kidding when he said that was the shower....nope, not kidding. Luckily, the Larson family is not very tall, so peeking is not really an option without effort. But, when they were all kids, the running family joke was to poor ice cold water through the window, or even worse....wait until the water was turned off and then dump flour on the wet person! I thought these were funny but warned Eldon that i better not ever be in on the family joke. Well on Christmas morning, everyone was out doing some last minute shopping and running errands. I was taking a shower and my nephew came in and saw that no one was around except for Derricks dog, so he figured that Derrick must be taking a shower. Well Derrick is the one of the main fools who continues the shower joke, and so Garett thought he would seize the opportunity....well it was me! so I got wonderful ice filled water dumped on me! When i screamed, all i heard was "Oh sorry, I thought it was Derrick" and then very fast foot prints! Well Paybacks are a *****, so Garett needs to be on the lookout, but I still love him anyways! I just have to get him back :)
That must have been freezing! Get him, girl!
Hahaha! Stefani, you've been initiated!! Welcome! I can't wait to hear what paybacks will be.
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