Monday, June 2, 2008

The pins are out

Just an update for you all. Eldon had his (hopefully) final surgery on his wrist today. He got the pins taken out. The screw is permanent, but the 3 pins were removed. He did very well and the Doctor said the pins came out nicely. Eldon is doing good, but still in some pain, which means he is flyin high on pain killers :P Im sure he is just happy to not have the pins trying to poke out of his wrist anymore! That has been the worst part for him. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan without further complications, he should be able to regain full motion and strength in his hand, wrist, and arm and be back at work in about a month or so. Everything so far has gone much better than expected (especially considering the drastic damage he did to his wrist). Hopefully his healing will continue like it has been! I will be so happy when he can give me a full on hug again, with both arms wrapped tight!


The Hoopers said...

I'm glad the pins came out ok. Hopefully he can heal up quick now!

Shelly said...

Hope you had fun at Phantom! I am so glad you guys came to town!!