I am sorry that i have been a slacker in blogging. I just didnt want to overload my blog with unhappy posts and while we truly are greatly blessed, it has been hard for me not to focus on the sad things. This post does have a little bit of sad, but also some hope and a request for help. First off, after several months of waiting, we finally got the headstone for our little boys. They finally have their resting place marked so all can know they were here and now they have the proper place to put flowers, so now the gardner cant steal mine! We are really pleased how it came out, and we are very glad that their plot is no longer just a mound of dirt! Since losing our twins, my optimism for having a family has really decreased significantly, but our desires have only gotten stronger. Unfortunately we have already suffered another miscarriage since our boys, which only brings more dismay. So while we will forever try to get our own little ones here, we are turning to adoption to assist us with our desires to have a family until we are blessed to have our own. We are looking into adoption with the State of Arizona. This course began in March when we almost had the opportunity to get a cute little 6 week old girl through some friends. The birth father ended up stepping in, so, now we wait to see if he changes his mind and decides to let us have her or to see what else Heavenly Father has in store for us. All the websites I have read, have stated that many adoptions come through personal contacts, so I am reaching out to our family and friends. If you know of a little one who is need of a good home, or have any recommendations or connections for adoption, we would really appreciate your help. I know that we will be able to have a family someday. Heavenly Father has promised both Eldon and I in our patriachal blessings the blessing of raising a family, but we may need help in getting our family here. We ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers that we might be guided by our Father in Heaven and be able to know his will for us and to follow it, and if adoption is his plan, that we might be led to the little one/s that are meant to join our family. We appreciate all the love and support we have recieved in our recent trials and heartaches and hope that future posts can be filled with more happy news.