The Larson Family name was proudly shown from the Larson waste garbage truck float. Some of the kids usually ride 4-wheelers with garbage cans tied to the back and kids ride in the garbage cans and throw candy to the crowd! We are so proud!!
Tricia as always has amazing food....and somehow manages to feed pretty much the whole town!
The family is great at entertaining ourselves as well. There is always cute little ones around to be the center of attention. Payten was especially cute telling stories about her Popsicle.
Brett and Mack showed off their mad skills on bikes. Mack showed off the new cape he bought at the craft fair. The new rule to ride Macks bike is you must wear the cape. (its two sided...mack is showing the superman side, and Payten is showing the batman side) ha ha...leave it to Mack!
The boys created their own swimming pool to beat the heat...or freeze rather in the back of Kyle's pick up truck. They had way too much fun driving around with a swimming pool in the back!
There was also a fashion show by this cute little boutique from Show Low, and they let the little girls in the audience come up after to strut their stuff, so Jade and Jessica took a turn walking the cat walk, but got a little shy at the end, and didnt give us too many poses. There was also a craft fair, but shortly after we arrived it started to pour rain, so we didnt get to spend as much time there as i would have liked. I was a good girl this year and didn't buy anything, but I did take notes so I can make some of the crafts myself.
I think the highlight for Eldon this trip (besides seeing his family) was riding Mack's motorcycle. He has been wanting to ride it for a very long time, but because of his wrist, he has abstained....well....much to my dismay, he resisted no longer, and went for a few spins. Thankfully, my husband does have some brains and took it easy (or so he says) but he didn't get hurt and still had fun.
We had a lot fun but it was much to quick of a weekend! it is always a blast to be around great family and friends. Thanks Brett and Angela for letting us crash at your house! We really appreciate it and had a lot fun hanging out!