Monday, October 29, 2012

Finally Mobile

Our little man is getting so big!!!  I cant believe how quickly time is flying by and how quickly Xander is progressing.  He has been so close to crawling for months now, but just couldnt quite put it all together.  Until now.....
His motivation, the dog and his fluffy white tail!!!  He was so excited to try to get it.  It was hilarious!  Here are videos of his first moves toward crawling.

Xander has now become proficient at crawling and can get where ever he chooses....which amazingly seems to be aimed at the few things he shouldnt touch, like the dogs toys, or the dog door.  His favorite thing to chase still seems to be the dogs tail and he will chase him back and forth across the living room for long periods of time and just giggle when he actually gets close.  Super cute!

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