Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Adoption....Its about Love!

Well it is officially official!  We are now certified to adopt!  Now we just need someone to give us the opportunity for the greatest blessing...children.  We are recruiting our family and friends to spread the word.  Our adoption blog can be found at www.larsonfamilyadoptionhope.blogspot.com.  Our profile with LDS Family Services is available at www.itsaboutlove.org and can be found by searching our names: Eldon and Stefani. We are also advertising with parentprofiles.com which is a wonderful website that advertises for adoptive couples on websites such as adoption.com, adoption.org, 123adoption.com, etc (all the ones that pop up when you google adoption) and again, our profile can be found by searching our names.   We also have pass along cards which are like business cards with all this information.  These cards can be given to anyone who may be interested in placing their child for adoption.  This is a non threatening way to help spread the word.  If you would be willing to pass along any cards, please send us an email or message with your address and we would be thrilled to send you some.  You just never know where a connection will come from.  We really appreciate all the support we have been given from all our friends and family.  We truly are blessed!  We know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and for our family.  We are hopeful that we will be blessed with children soon and in the mean time, we appreciate any help, and support and ask that you keep us in your hearts, in your thoughts, and spread the word!!! XOXOXO


Mrs. Cheerio said...

Stefani, I hope, wish and above all, pray that you and Eldon are blessed with a child to adopt. I've been following your journey from the twins to adoption (via blog), and my heart has broken many times thinking of you and wanting badly to place a child in your arms myself!

I would love to be helpful in any way I can. Please feel free to email me or Facebook me if you'd like to spread the word. A few friends of ours went the Fost/adopt route and just officially adopted their two little girls last week after two years. The process is lengthier, I believe, than private adoption, but so worth the wait! Have you and your husband considered this as an option- to foster children and try to adopt them?

P.S. I totally remember how awesome of a diver you were back in hugh school- so great to see the photo on your adoption website. You were always so talented!

Beth said...

Hey Stef. I mentioned you all to a mother of one of the kids at the Daycare center I work at who found out she was pregnant and doesn't want the baby. She was seriously concidering it until she found out she had a miscarriage :(. I will let anyone I know who has an unwanted pregnancy know about you all. <3