Friday, January 4, 2008

New Years Resolutions

So every New Years, we make resolutions only to break them about a week later. I am included in this normal tradition. Only each year, I really do set out to make those changes and stick with them. Some of them stick better than others, but in the spirit of things....i thought i would share a few of my resolutions.
1. I am girl and so of course my goal is to lose weight. But....the difference is, i started long before the New Year and am already headed toward my goal. I am 15 pounds down but I still have a long road ahead. The trick is....I went to my doctor and got real help, not just from the latest and greatest commercial items. It really is working....slowly....but it is working and makes me feel better to know that I am going about it on a healthy approach that will stick.

2.I want to stay in touch with my friends better this year. Even with this blog....I will blog like 10 things at a time when I have time but then let it go for several weeks and do that same thing. So I am going to stay on top of that this year and be better about emailing and calling. People are so important and it is amazing how quickly time goes by. I dont want to miss out on great friendships just because life gets busy.

3. I want my husband to feel more loved and appreciated. hopefully he already does and would say that I dont need to work on this. But I think it is so important to never take anyone for granted and spouses I think are the easiest to do that with. My husband is so incredibly amazing and I am so in love with him. Mind you, he is not perfect and neither am I, but I definitely think we are perfect for each other! He is so attentive and caring and so patient with my imperfections. I just dont know what I would do without him in my life! I love you Eldon and I hope you know that

4. I want to be more spiritual. We really do try hard, but it is so easy to forget to say prayers when you head hits the pillow or to read scriptures. I personally have never been good at morning prayers and this is still the case. It amazes me how quickly i be lazy at something so important! So this year, I am going to make extra effort to do the things I am supposed to do.

5. Last....well at least for this brief list, is to be better with my money. I have always been lucky enough to have enough money for the things I wanted and needed. yes there have been lots of times where I couldnt buy the shirt or go out or whatever, but I have really never had need to want. However....I have also never been a very good saver. I always just saved to get what I wanted that was that. We are really hoping to get into a house this year. My dad keeps reminding me that my budgets are always way out in left field...(Which isnt true. My budgets are totally legit, I just never stick to them. If I did, I would have no problems :) ). Anyways, so we have some big financial goals this year and we have the money to do it....If we are good and save and spend the way we should. Since I am the main one who is so good at depleting our funds, I am going to try really hard to restrain and hold out for the bigger wants....Like not having someone live above us where we can hear every footstep! Well good luck to everyone with their resolutions and with the New Year!


Shelly said...

Good goals! Way to go on the weight loss too. Thtat is my big one this year.

Anonymous said...

It's so exciting and refreshing to start a new year. I love new year's resolutions and the opportunity to really try to improve ourselves. Very inspiring blog by the way. Thanks for sharing your feelings - and reminding me to work hard too.

CDR said...

Those are great! I love reading other's goals, it always gives me good ideas.

Michelle and Aaron said...

Hello, I used to be michelle taylor! I wanted to stop by and say hello! Your wedding pics are gorgeous! How are you doing?