Monday, June 11, 2012

What a Fun Sunday

Today began with a Handsome little boy in his new suit!!! I just couldnt resist getting this for him and he looks so GQ!!  I know he doesnt look super happy, but this pic was taken after 3 hours of church.... he was ready to get out it!  LOL!

After church, Xander got a big treat.... food!  Our little chubby monkey got to try his first bites of real food.  Of course, he loved it!  It took him a minute to get the hang of swallowing something that wasnt liquid, but eventually he was doing great and getting more of the spoonfuls into his mouth rather than on his face.  :)  It was adorable, of course!  Love him!  He is just so much fun!

1 comment:

Corinne said...

He is too cute! So smiley!