We also just had our first ultrasound. We were really excited for an opportunity to hear the baby's heart beat. Unfortunately, it was a little too soft to hear, however, we did get an even better treat. The doctor started the ultrasound and immediate stated a very interesting little tidbit..... Can you tell from the pics (sorry they are blurry, its hard to have a picture of a picture)
If you know anything about ultrasounds early on in pregnancy, you know that this early, the baby is very small and its pretty difficult to distinguish anything, but you can see the yolk sac which is the black hole looking egg in the picture. The interesting little tidbit was that there happens to be 2 little black hole looking eggs which means.....WE ARE HAVING TWINS!!!
Definitely a shocker for us! We were absolutely not expecting that little surprise and are still pretty much in shock, but absolutely elated for this little roller coaster ride we stepped on to. We are very hopeful that everything will be safe and smooth for our little ones to join our family! They are due to arrive sometime around the end of March....like the 22nd or so, but twins usually arrive early, so I am guessing late Feb, early March, but we will see when they feel like having a birthday. :) Because there are two sacs, it means they are fraternal (not identical) twins. so who knows what the flavor will be. Eldon and I have both had many dreams about twins and they typically involve and boy and a girl, so that is my guess, but we will see what Heavenly Father has in store.
So since there are two, I have pictures of each, but its really hard to make out. Hopefully we will have better ones to post in the future when they are bigger than a little dot on the screen!
So here is Baby A.
and here is baby B.
Everything looks good so far and my blood work and hormones are right on target. Although we couldnt hear the heart beats, we were able to see them flickering on the screen. I am doing ok. I already definitely feel a difference in my tummy (but its probably in my head). I have been fairly nauseous, but havent been sick yet. Mostly, I am absolutely exhausted and just focus on keeping my eyes open at work. So if we go a bit in between posts...thats why! But with the exciting news, i will try to keep the blog updated on events. And just for posterity, even though I dont like the picture (So bare with me) This is the belly shot at 6 weeks. I was already chubby before, but have now added a few pounds and have a swollen abdomen.
Yeah!!! And Twins, double yeah! I'm so excited for you guys. I hope things continue to go good. I would have been freaking out if I found out I was having twins! can't wait to see you progress and hear about things!
We are SOOOO super excited for you guys!! I cant wait to meet the little ones!(and take thier pictures) Let us know if you need anything. Congrats and Im hoping that you will be here for the baby shower next saturday. I was in shock when Bobby showed me eldon text so I can only imagine your shock. So Exciting though. HUGS!!
I didn't get sick until the 7th week and then everything changed overnight! If you do get it bad, some midwives recommend taking unisom with a Vitamin E (I think vit E...but you could probably google it). Anyway, a few of my old neighbors swear by it. Good luck staying awake!! :)
And good luck!
I am so happy and excited for you two! You'll definitely have to let me know if there's anything I can do for you as your pregnancy progresses.
Mine will be coming in about 3 1/2 weeks now, crazy!!
Stephanie, It's been awhile since I've kept in touch but I found your blog and added it to my list of blogs. Imagine seeing your post for twins. Congratulations. What a treat! Keep me updated through your blog. It is the only way I hear about your life...:)
Sister Diana Rader
Drew and I are thrilled to welcome you to the "mommy and daddy club" Maybe because it took awhile to get pregnant the Lord decided to make up for lost time and give you 2! You are so blessed to be having twins. Your babies will always have a special bond and relationship. (They run in my family so I am always nervous before the first ultrasound) If you need anything let us know.
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! I am sooo excited for you!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! We are SO excited for you guys. Two for the price of one is even better! Keep us posted on how everything goes. We'll be thinking of you.
I know that I have said congrats before...but this is so exciting! I am sure all will go well with you. Take care of yourselves, and make sure you get plenty of rest and taking your prenatutals(sp?), because those do help!
I'm so happy for you both!
Congratulations! Twins are the best! :)
We are so excited for you guys!!! We can't believe you're having TWINS! Good luck with everything. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Oh WOW! Twins - what an adventure! At least you are having twins first then you won't know the difference between one baby and two babies.
Congratulations! I hope you get a boy and a girl.
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