Thursday, September 4, 2008

Time for some changes

So we are making some changes in our lives right car (not planned), new house (wahoo!), we are both searching for new jobs closer to home that fit our family goals and desires better, so hey....why not add another!


How about a new haircut!!!!!


K, if you know me at all, you know that this was a huge step! My hair was short in college but has been long for about 6+ years or so and i barely let Kristy (my wonderful hairstylist friend) trim my hair let alone take any length, but my hair has been making me mad, so it was time for a change. And my hair was long enough that i am going to donate it to Locks of Love to help children with hair loss. Makes it worth it, but i really am liking it now that i am getting used to it. And i have received some pretty good reviews so far. Let me know what you think!


Mandy & Logan said...

That's adorable!

Jason and Kristy said...

I'm so glad everyone is liking it!! It seriously looks so cute! Thanks for trusting me with your hair. I always love our little visits at my salon.

Corinne said...

You probably don't remember me, but I'm your husband's cousin's (Klint) wife. As a hairdresser I just couldn't help but say I love the haircut. Very cute! And as a person with one of those "kids with hairloss" in the fam, I can appreciate more than you know what those donations mean. That's awesome!

Courtney said...

Yay! I am so glad you cut your hair it is so cute! (as another hairdresser adding thier opinion) I think we should talk some change into Nauni, since you and Melissa have different hair now.

The Hoopers said...

I LOVE it. Can't wait to see it in person!

Gardners said...

I think it looks REALLY cute!! Hey, we need to plan Jenny's bridal shower! Give me a holler ( so I can help with any of the plans!! :)

CdA News Editor said...

Eldon, You guys are living the good life! (As longat least when you aren't having surgeries and near death experiences). Good Luck!

Stacia said...

I like it a lot. It's sassy!

Snowflake Lobos 2001 said...

Hey! Check out this new blog! Leave some comments or suggestions and get re-connected with friends!

Mandy & Logan said...

So... I know I might just be a little slow, but you seem like the pro on this whole blogging thing! I want to take some stuff from shabby princess that I downloaded and make it my background. Is that even possible?

Jenny said...

Hey Steffi! Guess what I finally joined the blogging world.
Good luck on the move this weekend and let me know when we all want to get together when things calm down a bit.